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To start buying and selling Wimbledon Debenture Tickets, please create an account.

We treat your personal data with care and we do not share or sell your personal information to third parties for marketing purposes. Read our Privacy policy.

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The Green & Purple Debenture Ticket platform can accommodate last-minute transactions, including Debenture Ticket sales near to and even on the morning of the ticket date itself.

To facilitate transactions on our platform, on or after Fri, 26 May, we ask sellers to forward e-tickets associated with a live listing to the Green & Purple myWimbledon account (tickets@greenandpurple.com).

This procedure ensures that we can transfer e-tickets to the buyer instantly upon receipt of payment.

If you sell your tickets elsewhere, or if you decide you want to use them yourself, your tickets can be returned to you at any time within 24 hours of request.

An email has been sent to you to explain how to transfer tickets.

Your ticket listings will go live as soon as your tickets have been received.


Kind regards,
Team Green & Purple

If you need any assistance, please email service@greenandpurple.com or call us on +44(0)207 183 5762.